Saturday 30 May 2015

Week 17 - I love my skin!

Day 109 - I've done over 100 days on the regime. I am so happy with Obagi, my blackheads has improved by 90%. I still have some, but they are so small and I'm convinced they will go away. My enlarged pores are also significantly improved. I rarely wear a full face of make up anymore as I love my skin now. As tough as this was in the beginning, I would do it all over again knowing what I know now and seeing the results! I went for a check up with Dr Sarah this week as well and she's very pleased with my results, I may not need the blue peel. I'm going to see how I go over the summer and maybe take the plunge in September or October if I want to. We are changing me up a little and I'm cutting back on the Exfoderm to once per week but still continue the clear once per day and the Tretinoin every other day. I also use the Clenziderm products every other day now. Plus I love the Elastiderm eyecream. I don't look my age! I'm not only saying that but have been told this by several people over the last few months. Hurray!
Day 110 AM

1 comment:

  1. This is very reassuring! I'm in week two and am red!!! Sounds like it will go back to normal, if not better, eventually.
